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HomeLux Meter with light source

Lux Meter with light source

Lux Meter with light source

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Technical Details

  • Range : 0.01lx to 1,99,900 lx
  • Least Count : 0.01lx(0 to 19.99lx) , 0.1lx(20.0 to 199.9lx) 1lx(200lx to 1999lx) , 10lx(2000lx to 19900lx) 100lx(19900lx to 199900lx)
  • Accuracy : ± 3% of reading + 1 Digit


Digital Lux Meter / Illuminance Meter

Range : 10 lux to 10000 lux
Calibration method : Using Digital Lux / Illuminance Meter, Light Source and Regulated Power Supply by Comparison Method