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Technical Details

  • Range : 0-100 Shore'A' & Shore'D'
  • Least Count : 10 Shore'A' & Shore'D'
  • Accuracy : ± 1 reading over entire range


Calibration of Durometers

(Rubber Hardness Tester Shore'A' & Shore'D').

Digital Shore hardness meter

Range : 0 Shore to 100 Shore
Calibration method : Using Durometer Calibrator

Shore Hardness meter

Range : 0 Shore to 100 Shore
Calibration method : Using Durometer Calibrator

Reference block Details :

  • Type: Brinell hardness test blocks
    Rockwell hardness test blocks
    Vickers hardness test blocks
    Micro Vickers hardness test blocks



• Brinell hardness Testing Machines - HBW 2.5 / 187.5 to HBW 10 / 3000

• Rockwell hardness Testing Machines - Up to 100 HR

• Vickers hardness Testing Machines - HV 5 to HV 50

• Micro Vickers hardness Testing Machines – HV1

Calibration method : Using standard reference blocks by Indirect method
Brinell Hardness Tester
Rockwell Hardness Tester
Vickers Hardness Tester
Micro vickers Hardness Tester