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HomeElectro TechnicalMeasurement Capability

Measurement Capability

Measurement Capability

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Technical Details

Used for measurement of AC/DC Voltage,AC/DC

Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Freequency etc...

Accuracy :

  • DC Voltage : ± 9.1 ppm of reading + 25 ppm of range
  • AC Voltage : 230 ppm of reading + 10 ppm of range
  • DC Current : ± 491 ppm of reading + 146 ppm of range
  • AC Current : ± 800 ppm of reading + 400 ppm of range:
  • Resistance : ± 525 ppm of reading + 1000 ppm of range
  • Capacitance : ± 705 ppm of reading + 100 ppm of range


Power Supply

Range : AC/DC Voltage : 10 mV to 1000, V/AC/DC Current : 10µA to 10 A
Calibration method : Using 6.5 Digit Multimeter

Decade Resistance Box

Range : Resistance : 1Ω to 1000MΩ
Calibration method : Using 6.5 Digit Multimeter

Technical Details

Time Totaliser is used to calibrate Stop Watch , Clock, Hour Monitor, Digital Timer etc…

Accuracy :

0 to 24 HRS : 0.05% of the reading


Stop watches

Range : 1 s to 86400 s
Calibration method : Using Digital Time Totaliser


Range : 3600 s to 86400 s
Calibration method : Using Digital Time Totaliser