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HomeEnvironmental Simulation System

Environmental Simulation System

Environmental Simulation System

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Technical Details :

  • Temperature Range : -70˚C to +180˚C
  • Ramp Rate : 10˚C / minute
  • Humidity Range Range : 10 to 95% RH @ (20 to 90) ˚C
  • Size (mm) : 1000 x 1000 x 950mm[Max.]
  • Compliance: ISO/IEC/17025

Testing Capability :

  • a) High temperature test
  • b) Low temperature test
  • c) Temperature cycle test
  • d) Damp heat test (or) Humidity test

Special features: :

  • Ethernet, USB and other Serial Communication Ports
  • High performance programmable controller


  • Simulation of Temperature and humidity with combined effect.